Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Advice to Baruch College

My advice to Baruch College would be to use New Media to improve upon the majors in the liberal arts program. We all know that Baruch has a famous reputation as a business school, and so liberal arts programs do not receive as much funding or attention as the business majors. Just for some proof, my major is "Management of Musical Enterprises" and a few semesters ago I went to the advisement offices for advice on my schedule and the person at the desk didn't even know my major existed.

I know that during the busier days of the week (Monday-Thursday) all of Baruch is filled to capacity. This means that the classes offered during the Spring and Fall semesters take up every room of the college and so funding for new classes and programs are limited due to space. I think that Baruch should take advantage of the spread of new media to introduce more online classes to it's programs, resulting in a more colorful and exciting class selection. Professors have the option to conduct a lecture through Second Life, as well as coordinate group projects via Twitter, Blackboard, etc. The issue of space therefore disappears.

Another way I think Baruch should take advantage of New Media is for it's professors to get a Twitter. I know that the Registrar has one to update students of registration dates and such but wouldn't it be great if homework reminders were in your Twitter feed? Let's face it, most of our procrastination comes from social networking sites, and if our professors were present on those websites MAYBE (I'm not saying definitely) we would be more inclined to keep up with them. Also, it's great because if a professor is going to be out the next day they can send a Twitter update. I don't know about you guys, but I don't check Blackboard very often, and I know most of my classmates don't check their Baruch emails very often. I don't want to sound selfish but I think it might be effective if our Professor's were updating us from the places on the internet where students spend the most time.

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