Thursday, April 28, 2011

Our Class Wiki: So Far

I haven't been able to contribute to the class Wiki yet (things at work have been super busy) but I have been preparing a few topics that I want to be sure make it into the New Media in Entertainment Section.

Music Piracy: There is already a section on this but I feel the research that I did in my paper can really help expand this section. I have been highlighting parts of my paper that I definitely want to include.

Streaming Websites: Websites such as Spotify, Pandora, and others that allow people to access music from the website (without illegally downloading it). And how streaming might just be the cure to piracy.

New Media and Independent Artists: I would like to talk about how independent artists in the music industry have been seriously affected by new media. The ability to create a Facebook fanpage or a Twitter account and create your music using GarageBand, then share it via Soundcloud or Youtube, has made it possible for countless artists to gain widespread attention that they wouldn't otherwise have received if we were living 10 years ago. Think Colbie Caillat or Justin Bieber, two artists who wouldn't be where they are today if it wasn't for New Media. Unfortunately this applies to Rebecca Black as well.

Editing: I am also the page editor and so I have been creating a word document with my various changes/correction to sentence structure & grammar in order to add it to the Wiki before the due date.

1 comment:

  1. New media and sites such as youtube have had an amazing effect on the music industry and have lead to successful careers for many individuals. It's great because now anybody with a a talent can get discovered.
